XIII International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications - AMPL-2017

September 10-15, 2017, Tomsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Юрин В.Ю. (Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, Томск, Россия)

List of reports:

  1. A.V. Gribenyukov, S.N. Podshivalov, A.S. Shumeyko, N.A. Yudin, N.N. Yudin, V.Yu. Yurin
    Optical method of defectoscopy of ZnGeP2 monocrystal with application output radiation of Sr vapor laser
  2. A.N. Soldatov, Yu.P. Polunin, I.K. Kostadinov, A.S. Shumeiko, V.Yu. Yurin
    A promising method for processing brittle nonuniformly stressed materials with the help of multiwavelength lasers
  3. A.N. Soldatov, Yu.P. Polunin, I.K. Kostadinov, A.S. Shumeiko, V.Yu. Yurin
    Highly efficient excitation of the active laser elements, the strontium vapor with the volume of the medium up to 1000 cm3
